- stick one's nose in (where it's not wanted) vt. 干预他人的事情
- A graduated measuring stick one yard in length. 码尺长度为一码的带刻度的测量棒
- rub [push] sb.'s nose in the dirt 刮某人的鼻子
- One day, red nose in a Monty forest met. 一天,赤鼻在树林里遇见一位壮士。
- She walked past us with her nose in the air. 她从我们身旁走过,神气得鼻孔朝天。
- Constantly blowing his nose in allergy season. 在过敏的季节不断地擤他的鼻子
- Peter's always got his nose in a book. 彼得总是专心地看书。
- Stick one's head out of the window. 从窗户伸出头。
- Whenever he is free, he will bury his nose in a book. 他一有空就埋头看书。
- stick one's nose in 干涉(别人的事情)
- Whenever he is free, he will have his nose in a book. 他一有空就埋头看书。
- To bury one's nose in one's manuscript is frowned upon. 埋头读稿是不可取的。
- He always had his nose in other people's business. 他对别人的事总表现出一副不礼貌的好奇。
- Don't rub my nose in it in front of my friends. 不要在我朋友面前揭我的疮疤。
- Indeed, even when children masturbated themselves, their families saw it as a “natural” relief from discomfort like scratching or blowing one’s nose. 甚至当孩子们自己手淫时,他们的家人把这当作由于不舒适时的“正常”缓解,像挠痒痒或擤鼻涕那样。
- She walk past us with her nose in the air. 她从我们身旁走过,神气得鼻孔朝天。
- She walked past me with her nose in the air. 她昂着头从我身边走过。
- The man robbed the old lady and bashed her nose in. 那人抢劫了这位老太太,还打瘪了她的鼻子。
- I guess he's been keeping his nose in the kitchen. 我想他是一直在厨房忙着。
- The ship was nosing in to the dock. 船正靠向码头。